The corridor Frohike and Byers walked down was narrow and dark; all except the tiny red lights that glowed on the security locks on the corridors many doors. In places pale lunar light filtered down through a skylight. In one of these places they stopped, Frohike adjusted his earpiece. "Langly I hope you have good news." He said. Langly who was in the van looked at his laptop, "Sorry guys. Nothing...they must have searched them for wires and stuff." The Gunmen were searching for Jimmy and Yves who had disappeared after going to investigate a biological studies center they suspected of manufacturing chemicals for biological warfare...of which the chemical waste from manufacturing was somehow making the nearby residents of a small town ill. Frohike and Byers continued down the corridor cautiously. "Langly what were Jimmy and Yves' last known location?" Byers asked glancing at Frohike who was turning a doorknob to see if it was locked. "The elevator going down from the third should've stopped in the lobby where you came in.... unless..." Langly began typing furiously. "Unless what Langly?" Frohike asked checking another door. "Unless there's a basement or small basement like rooms that are not on the map I got...which appears to be the case according to the blueprints I just accessed" Byers and Frohike turned back the way they came and went for the elevator. "So how do we get there? There's only buttons for three floors." Byers said as he and Frohike looked at the panel inside the elevator. "I don't know." Langly typed some more. "I can't find anything about it here...are you sure there's only three buttons?" he asked as he continued to type. " Yeah. Maybe there's some way down there from the first floor." Byers said as he pressed the button marked one. The elevator stopped and they got out. The security guard they'd passed when they first came in was gone and the lobby was also now dark. "So now where do we go?" Frohike asked looking at Byers who was peering into the darkened lobby. "Did you notice that big silver door when we came in?" he asked pointing towards the front desk. "Yeah, but I figured it was some kind of office or something." Frohike replied. "He's right, it's an office and according to the blueprints there should be a door right behind the bookcase." Langly said. They entered the office and looked around. Sitting against the back wall was a bookcase. They walked over to it and tried to move it. It slid to one side and revealed a small elevator. The elevator door opened and they stepped inside. Byers pressed the button...nothing happened. "Frohike did you bring the gear?" he asked looking at him. "Yeah. Lets go get it and get this thing over with." To Be Continued....