WRITE-ON... Okay, you can write(you learned how to do that back in the first grade!)but one of the things that we're after is to make your writing interesting to read. . . -SOME THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND WHEN YOU WRITE- 1. One of the best ways to improve the quality of your writing is to start thinking about the TYPE of words you choose. . .some words suggest special MOODS. Usually, these kinds of words are adjectives. THINK before you use a word in a story. Compare these-->''The wind blew. . .'', ''The wind rattled the empty trees. . .'', ''The sun was very hot. . .'',''The blazing sun scorched the earth. . .''Ask yourself, ''Is there a more descriptive way to say it?'' 2.Pay attention to DETAILS, they can make things come alive. 3.Use SPECIFIC EXAMPLES, especially when you are trying to prove a point. 4.Try to answer these questions whenever possible: WHO,WHAT,WHY,WHERE,WHEN,HOW. 5.DESCRIBE as much as you can, IN DETAIL. 6.If possible, LOOK at things BEFORE you write about them. . .you'll be surprised at how much you can forget-even with familiar things! 7.FEELINGS make your writing more personal. 8.ALWAYS PROOFREAD your writing! Whenever you write something, read it over at least ONE time to be sure it sounds all right and that it makes sense. Then look for spelling and grammatical errors. DESCRIPTION CHECKLIST: YOUR CHARACTERS... -Height -Weight -Hair Color -Hair Texture -Hair Style -Eye Color -Shape of Eyes(Round, Almond, ect) -Shape of Nose(Long, short,ect.) -Shape of Ears(Stick out,Big,Ect,) -Teeth(crooked,braces,ect.) -Complexion -Shape of Face -Distinguishing Features -Glasses -Birthmarks/Freckles -Fingernails -Hand Size -Foot Size -Cleanleness -Jewelry -Clothing Worn -Style -Color -Fit -Amount -Habits -Type of walk -Voice -General Appearance -Personality -Intelligence -Age -Speech Patterns Note: You don't have to describe everything above about your character but enough to make your character interesting and more real to the reader. DESCRIPTION CHECKLIST:EVENT (When something happens in your fic) -What action took place? -How long did it take? -Where did it happen? -When did it happen? -Who was there? -How did each person participate? -Under what conditions did it happen? -Why did it happen? -How did it happen? -Mood of the Event -Result of the Event -What happened before the event? -What happened after the event?